Uwes Blog

Siglent SDL1020X-E Banana Jack Adapter

I bought a Siglent SDL1030X power supply, and i wanted to use banana jacks to connect to my systems under test. There are already some adapters available, but i wanted to design my own, because i wanted to have a XT60 Adapter as well.

The Video from Clough42 has a nice step by step approach to design the adapter, i followed.

You can find thecomplete project in my kicad-parts repository.

Here the mounted Adapter:

adapter mounted on Siglent

step by step the design process

Fitting test with 3D print

fitting test with 3D print

Adapter parts

adapter parts

Assembled adapter

assembled adapter

Closeup adapter mounted

closeup adapter mounted on Siglent

Article created 2024-04-28. Comment on this post!